This information will assist you with adding newly eligible employees for August 2020 JobKeeper fortnights.
From 3 August 2020, you may be able to nominate new employees as eligible for the JobKeeper Payment scheme.
These new employees must have been employed by you on 1 July 2020 and meet other eligibility criteria. This can include employees that:
- you employed after 1 March 2020 - were employed by you on 1 March 2020 and did not meet the eligibility requirements,
but do as of 1 July 2020 – e.g. they turned 18 years old after 1 March 2020 but before 1 July 2020.
For the fortnights commencing on 3 and 17 August 2020, employers have until 31 August 2020 to meet the wage condition for newly eligible employees under the 1 July eligibility test.
Attached are links to ATO JobKeeper Guides and Treasury Updates.