We have received correspondence from the Australian Taxation office as follows:
The security of your clients' tax and super information is very important to us. That's why we're changing the process before an agent can link to taxpayer accounts. ‘Client-to-agent linking’ is a new process that further strengthens the security of our online services to help protect you and your clients against fraud and identity-related theft.
We’ve progressively rolled out client-to-agent linking to public and multinational businesses, Top 500 privately owned wealthy groups and government entities.
From 13 November 2023, client-to-agent linking will apply to all types of entities with an ABN (excluding sole traders). This includes entity types such as companies, trusts, partnerships, superannuation funds and not-for-profits.
What does this mean for you and your clients?
These entities will need to nominate you in Online services for business before you can add them to your client list.
Your client will need to complete the agent nomination, when they:
- engage you as a new tax or BAS agent, or payroll service provider to represent them.
- provide extra authorisation to you as their existing agent (for example, you start representing them for a new obligation, such as income tax).
Note: Your existing clients will not need to do anything unless they are providing additional authorisation to you.
We are committed to supporting you and your clients through this change and there is detailed information and support material available on our website located in the links below.
Australian Taxation Office Commonwealth of Australia
For more information :